Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to Develop and Organize a Classification Essay

Classification is a method of developing an essay by arranging people, objects, or ideas with shared characteristics into particular classes or groups. After you have settled on a topic for a classification essay*  and explored it through various prewriting strategies, you should be ready to attempt a first draft. Here is how to develop and organize a five-paragraph classification essay. Introductory Paragraph In your introduction, clearly identify your subject — in this case, the group you are classifying. If you have narrowed your subject in any way (for example, types of bad drivers, rock guitarists, or annoying moviegoers), make this clear from the start. You may also want to provide some specific descriptive or informative details to attract the interest of your readers and suggest the purpose of the essay. Finally, include a thesis sentence (usually at the end of the introduction) that briefly identifies the main types or approaches that youre about to examine.   Heres an example of a short but effective introductory paragraph to a classification essay: Its a warm evening in July, and all across the country Americans are gathering to watch a game of professional baseball. Armed with hot dogs and cold drinks, they stroll to their seats, some in grand stadiums, others in cozy minor-league parks. But no matter where the game is played, you will find the same three types of baseball fan: the Party Rooter, the Sunshine Supporter, and the Diehard Fan. Notice how this introduction creates certain expectations. The specific details provide a setting (a ballpark on a warm evening in July) in which we expect to see the various fans described. In addition, the labels assigned to these fans (the Party Rooter, the Sunshine Supporter, and the Diehard Fan) lead us to expect descriptions of each type in the order theyre given. A good writer will go on to fulfill these expectations in the body of the essay. Body Paragraphs Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence that identifies a particular type of approach. Then  illustrate each type with specific details. Arrange your body paragraphs in whatever order strikes you as clear and logical — say, from the least effective approach to the most effective, or from the most common type to the least familiar (or the other way around). Just make sure that the order of your body paragraphs matches the arrangement promised in your thesis sentence. Here, in the body of the essay on baseball fans, you can see that the writer has fulfilled the expectations set up in the introduction. (In each body paragraph, the topic sentence is in italics.) The Party Rooter goes to games for the hot dogs, the gimmicks, the giveaways, and the companionship; hes not really that interested in the ballgame itself. The Party Rooter is the sort of fan who shows up on Buck-a-Brew Night, often with a gang of fellow partiers. He cracks jokes, hurls peanuts at the team mascot, applauds the exploding scoreboard, blasts an electronic horn whenever he pleases—and occasionally nudges a companion and asks, Hey, whos winning? The Party Rooter often wanders out of the park in the sixth or seventh inning to continue his celebrations in the car on the way home.The Sunshine Supporter, usually a more common type than the Party Rooter, goes to the park to cheer on a winning team and bask in its glory. When the home side is on a winning streak and still in contention for a playoff spot, the stadium will be packed with this sort of fan. As long as her team is winning, the Sunshine Supporter will be roaring at every play, waving her pennant and shouting out the names of her heroes. However, as the name implies, the Sunshine Supporter is a fickle fan, and her cheers quickly turn to boos when a hero strikes out or drops a line drive. She will stay around until the end of the game to celebrate a victory, but should her team fall a few runs behind, shes likely to slip out to the parking lot during the seventh-inning stretch.​Diehard Fans are also strong supporters of the local team, but they go to the park to watch good baseball, not just to root for a winner.  More attentive to the game than other fans, Diehards will study the stance of a power hitter, note the finesse of a quick fielder, and anticipate the strategy of a pitcher who has fallen behind in the count. While the Party Rooter is chugging a beer or dropping wisecracks, Diehards may be filling in a scorecard or commenting on a players RBI tally over the past few months. And when a Sunshine Supporter boos an opposing player for tagging out a local hero, Diehards may b e quietly applauding the expert moves of this enemy infielder. No matter what the score is, Diehard Fans remain in their seats until the last batter is out, and they may still be talking about the game long after its over.​ Notice how the writer uses comparisons to ensure cohesion in the body of the essay. The topic sentence in both  the second and third paragraphs refers to the preceding paragraph. Likewise, in the third body paragraph, the writer draws explicit contrasts between the Diehards and the other two types of baseball fans. Such comparisons not only provide smooth transitions from one paragraph to the next but also reveal the sympathies of the writer. He begins with the type of fan he likes the least and ends with the one he most admires. We now expect the writer to justify his attitudes in the conclusion. Concluding Paragraph The concluding paragraph gives you an opportunity to draw together the various types and approaches you have been examining in the body of the essay. You may choose to offer a final brief comment on each one, summarizing its value or its limitations. Or you may want to recommend one approach over the others and explain why. In any case, make sure that your conclusion clearly emphasizes the purpose of your classification. In the concluding paragraph to Baseball Fans, consider whether the author has been successful in his effort to tie his observations together. Professional baseball would have trouble surviving without all three types of fans. The Party Rooters provide much of the money that owners need to hire talented players. The Sunshine Supporters bring a stadium to life and help boost the morale of the home team. But only the Diehard Fans maintain their support all season long, year in and year out. By late September in most ballparks, enduring chilly winds, rain delays, and sometimes humiliating losses, only the Diehards remain. Notice how the writer hooks his conclusion back to the introduction by contrasting the chilly night in September with the warm evening in July. Connections such as this help to unify an essay and give it a sense of completeness. As you develop and organize your draft, experiment with various strategies, but keep this basic format in mind: an introduction that identifies your subject and the different types of approaches; three (or more) body paragraphs that rely on specific details to describe or illustrate the types; and a conclusion that draws your points together and makes the overall purpose of the classification clear.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Importance of the Soliloquies in Hamlet Essay

The Importance of the Soliloquies in Hamlet A soliloquy is a dramatic speech spoken by a character who is alone on stage, or believes themselves to be alone. This device allows a character in a play to speak directly to the audience about their motives, feelings and decisions. They reveal the characters innermost thoughts and traditionally contain no lies or deception as the character is revealing their true thoughts and emotions. Hamlet’s soliloquies give the impression of a man discovering himself as he speaks. The importance of the soliloquies in Hamlet are therefore crucial to the development of his character and of course the development of the play. Hamlet’s first soliloquy in Act 1†¦show more content†¦This could prove that Hamlet is frail but we must view Hamlet under ethical light; he is held up by Christian conscience which is why he decides against suicide as a cure for his desolation. Hamlet believes the world has deteriorated and become dreary and foul; it is solely occupied by ‘things rank and gross in nature’. Shakespeare’s powerful imagery displays Hamlet under pessimistic light; Hamlet is telling the audience that the world is corrupted and that he has lost his faith in the world. He believes this due to his mother having betrayed the model relationship of his parents by an in-stand and unethical marriage; ‘With such dexterity to incestuous sheets’. The use of caesura in the lines allows Shakespeare to breakdown Hamlet’s language and possibly his state of mind, and also suggests the intensity of emotion: ‘It is not, nor it cannot come to good But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue’ Act 1-2-158/159 The alliteration produces a controlled tone in this sentence; the Prince knows he must hold back his feelings and shows his morality to the audience as he suggests he will not speak badly about his mother. 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It reveals the innermost beliefs of the character and offers an unbiased perspective as it is merely the character talking to the audience, albeit not directly, and not to any other characters who may cause the character to withhold their true opinions. Therefore, Hamlets first soliloquy (act 1, scene 2) is essential to the play as it highlightsRead MoreHamlet - Rouge and Peasant Slave Solo Analysis Essay978 Words   |  4 PagesIn one of Hamlets most well known soliloquies, Rouge and peasant slave, the character Hamlet first introduces his extreme internal conflict. The soliloquy takes place after the ghost of his father has presented him with the order of avenging his murder by killing his own uncle, the same uncle who inherited the throne and wedded his very own mother. However, Hamlet still remains uncertain about holding the ghost credible, so he devised a pl an. He asks actors to perform a murderous play, which

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An Am Essay Example For Students

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An Am Essay erican Slave Douglass felt that Christianity was used by slaveholders to justify the cruelty of their actions and to somehow purify them against the evilness of their hearts. He felt that being the slave of a Christian slaveholder was as bad as slavery itself. Were I to be again reduced to the chains of slavery, next to that enslavement, I should regard being the slave of a religious master the greatest calamity that could befall me. (p. 731) Douglas points out in his appendix that the Christianity of Christ and Christianity of this land are at opposite points on the spectrum of good and evil. Fredrick Douglass grows from a slave boy to a freed man throughout Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass, an American Slave and he uses this transition and identity to provide an outlet to which the reader can identify. Douglass first produces this with the absence of dates. Slaves were kept ignorant as to the facts of the real world, sometimes not even knowing the year of their birth, preventing the knowledge of a captives true age. A birthday is something with which people can identify, as they are a celebrated part of our culture, especially to youth. Douglass here identifies himself as a human being almost lacking what we may consider a normal childhood simply through the use of dates. These are very important to our culture, counting down the days until your birthday, until Christmas. We identify ourselves by the dates which surround the events of our lives. Part of our identity is formed from dates and this was a privilege he was denied. He is, however, eventually provided a window of opportunity in many to not only learn dates, but gain a general feel for knowledge as well. When the open door of learning that his mistress provided was permanently closed, he says, it was a new and special revelation, explaining dark and mysterious things, with which my youthful understanding had struggled, but struggled in vain. I now understood what had been to me a most perplexing difficulty-to wit, the white mans power to enslave the black man. It was a grand achievement and I prized it highly. From that moment I understood the pathway from slavery to freedom (Douglass 78). Douglass was learning and he didnt want to give it up. The reader is able to see how much he valued knowledge and his ironclad will to keep that door open. In doing this, Douglass identifies himself as a growing child, forced down by circumstances beyond his control. He is growing, he is learning, he is maturing, and like a small child who asks question after question, he will not rest until his thirst for knowledge is quelled. As he gains more and more knowledge, his hunger and curiosity grow, and as he is satisfied in this aspect, his hunger for freedom matures. This becomes prevalent in his actions; as one of his Masters, Captain Auld put it, city life had almost ruined me for every good purpose and fitted me for everything which was bad (Douglass 99). His experience caused him to grow as a person and individual. An old clich states that knowledge is power; Douglass had learned this first hand and was growing into a person with the courage to fight back and eventually claim his freedom. Throughout the book, Douglass presents himself as a person, forced to overcome incredible barriers to achieve that which many of us take for granted through the stories he tells. He first ensures that the reader can identify with him before going into the innate details of a particular tale, thus ensuring whatever emotion he is trying to evoke. It was also imperative that Douglass demonstrate his growth as a human being so that we would see him as just that, a person, not some animal to be easily dismissed. .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d , .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d .postImageUrl , .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d , .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d:hover , .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d:visited , .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d:active { border:0!important; } .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d:active , .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u353d8a8d8d9e2c10d48af457742f602d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Web DuBois Argumentative EssayBecause Douglass was so well spoken, and his autobiography so well written, the doubt surfaced in the mind of some audience members as to whether or not he had written the narrative or more to the extreme, whether or not he had actually been a slave. Thus, his credibility was called into question. Douglass effectively .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Market Potentiality of

Question: Discuss about the Market Potentiality of OnePlus in entering in the Market of Brazil. Answer: Introduction In the current business scenario, contemporary business organizations have to look out for the international opportunities in order to enhance their market presence and market share. This is due to the reason that, current business state of affairs is more competitive in nature and business organizations having to opt for various strategies in order to stay ahead in the competition. Thus, initiation of the international business is one of the most effective strategies being available for the contemporary business organizations. OnePlus is one of the leading electronic device manufacturers in the current business scenario. They were founded in China in 2013 and in this small period of time, they have been able to gain positive word of mouth and goodwill in the market. As of now, OnePlus is having 2640 employees in their organization ( 2017). The mission statement of OnePlus states that, they strive to offer the best product in the market of mobile devices with the state of art technologies. Moreover, their products are also targeted for the best world experience rather than providing mass market and affordable models (Rosenstein 2017). As of now, OnePlus is having only 5.9 percent of market share in the global smartphone market. However, OnePlus is one of the leading brands in the emerging category especially in the developing countries such as India and China. Thus, in order to gain more market share and enhancing their market presence in the global market, OnePlus is in the need of the init iation of the international business (Paik and Zhu 2013). It will help them to target and enter in new markets along with reducing the dependency on the existing market. Thus, the market opportunities will get enhanced for them. This report will discuss about the external business environment for OnePlus to be faced by them in the host country. Moreover, the internal environment will also be evaluated in order to measure their effectiveness in dealing with the challenges in the international business. Accordingly, recommendations will be provided in order to overcome the identified challenges. Selection of the home country For the business profile of OnePlus, Brazil is being selected as the chosen host country. This is due to the reason that, Brazil is one of the leading developing economies in the world alongside with India and China. Moreover, the economy growth rate of Brazil is higher than various developed countries (Perry 2017). Thus, it will be a huge opportunities for OnePlus to target this country. According to the report of ( 2017), Brazil is having low rate of inflation, which is enhancing the purchasing power of the customers. Moreover, according to the report, initiation of the business friendly policies by the government is attracting more foreign investors in the country. Due to the fact that, the target market of OnePlus is mainly the developing countries. Thus, the emerging economy of Brazil will be perfect for them to enter. Analysis of the external environment The business scenario in Brazil will be different than that in the existing market for OnePlus in terms of social, technological, political and other aspects. Thus, it is important to determine the external environment that will be faced by OnePlus in operating in Brazil. PEST analysis will be used in order to determine external environment of OnePlus in Brazil. Political environment Brazil is having stable political system in the country. However, there turbulences being noticed in their political scenario in the past and the political change are being done quickly. Another issue in their political system is the corruption. It is being reported by the transparency international that, Brazil is having ranking of 79 in terms of global corruption index (e.V 2017). Thus, business organizations investing and operating in Brazil will also have to face the challenge of corruption, which will pose threat in attaining the required permissions for business. Moreover, rapid change in the political scenario will pose threat for the business organizations due to the reason that, legislations and regulations may also change with the change in the political scenario (Scissors 2017). Thus, in operating in Brazil, OnePlus will face the challenge of adhering to the rapid change in the political scenario. Economical environment The next environment is the economical environment. Economy of Brazil is growing and emerging (Perry 2017). Thus, the purchasing power of the customers is increasing and accordingly the market opportunities for OnePlus will get increased. Moreover, the cost of skilled employees is also lower compared to some other countries. Thus, it will help business organizations to reduce their cost of production. However, one of the key economical issues being faced in Brazil is the higher rate of tax for the corporate. Brazil is having 15 percent corporate tax, which is higher compared to some other economies. Moreover, no incentives are being provided for generating profits in the country (Scissors 2017). Thus, the cost for the products of OnePlus will get increased. Social environment The social environment in Brazil is becoming more favorable for the business organizations with the growth in the middle class. This is due to the reason that, middle class constitute the major portion of the total population of Brazil. Moreover, Brazilian population is up-to-date in nature and they are open to new technologies and brand. Thus, OnePlus will have the opportunities to market their products in Brazil (Sawyer 2015). However, one of the key challenges that to be faced by them in Brazil is the social inclination towards established brands. Thus, it may get difficult for OnePlus to market their products being a new entrant in the market. Technological environment Technology is one of the key determining factors that to be maintained by OnePlus in enhancing their competitive advantages. However, in this case also, there are various challenges that have to face by the business organizations such as OnePlus in operating in Brazil. One of the key challenges is the inferior technological infrastructure in Brazil compared to some other developing economies (Nagamo, Stefanovitz and Vick 2014). Thus, OnePlus will have less assistance of the domestic infrastructure in their business operation. However, it is being reported that, Brazil is rapidly improving in the information technology sector, which will offer opportunities for the business organizations in future. Analysis of the internal environment Apart from the determination of the external environment, internal environment of OnePlus should also be determined. This will help to identify the effectiveness of the internal factors of them, which will pose challenge or opportunities in the operation in Brazilian market. SWOT analysis will be conducted in order to determine the internal environment of OnePlus. Strengths The features being provided by OnePlus is top notch and can be compared to the flagship devices of various global brands. Even in various cases, such as with the launch of OnePlus 5, they have offered superior features compared to the flagship devices. Rolling out of updated software more frequently compared to the competitors. This enables the customers to have the latest software in their mobile device (Versavel and Lammens 2016). Thus, the devices of OnePlus are more updated compared to their competitors. Features such as internal and external storage in the mobile are being superiorly offered by OnePlus. They are the first manufacturer, which offered 8 gb RAM in the mobile device along with providing 320 gb as storage. Thus, superior features being offered by them help them to stay ahead in the competition (Jean 2017). The target market is one of their key strengths for OnePlus. This is due to the reason that, mainly the developing countries are being targeted by OnePlus. Thus, the market opportunities for OnePlus is more due to the reason that, growth of the economy of the developing countries is more compared to the developed countries. The positioning of the product of OnePlus is targeted at the premium segments (Bacon et al. 2017). However, they are being offered in lesser price points. Thus, they are being able to target and cover more number of customers by offering premium features at more competitive price points. The pricing strategy of OnePlus is helping them to create distinct brand image in the market. This is due to the reason that, the pricing of the products of OnePlus is more affordable compared to the global brands (Rosenstein 2017). On the other hand, the pricing of OnePlus is more compared to other mass market brands and products, which helps them to have different operating segments from the majority of the brands (Luu and Lubwama Muhamad 2016). Weaknesses The brand value and equity of OnePlus is less compared to other global brands such as Samsung and Apple. However, the products of OnePlus are directly competing with these brands (Kapferer 2012). Thus, people tend to prefer known brands than the new entrants. Thus, OnePlus should invest more on endorsing their brand in the host market. Being a new entrant in the market, OnePlus is having shortage of experience and other required resources. Thus, it is difficult to cover all the operations in the internal market effectively. As discussed earlier, major population in Brazil prefers brands. Thus, it will be difficult for OnePlus to market their products being a lesser known brand. Entering in the new markets such as Brazil will make OnePlus to invest in huge manner. This is due to the reason that, service centers should also be opened by them in order to provide service to the customers. Thus, it involves huge cost for OnePlus, which also involves risks. Opportunities The economy of Brazil is rapidly growing along with the increase in the section of the middle class. Thus, the demand for new and updated technological device will get increase in the future. Providing flagship devices in affordable prices will help them to attract more customers across different income segments ( 2017). Offering incentives and benefits by the Brazilian government in investing in the country will help to reduce the cost of settlement ( 2017). Demand for smartphones in the developing countries such as Brazil is rapidly increasing. Threats Entry of new competitors is one of the biggest threats due to the reason that, more organizations are entering in this sector and offering updated products (Babatunde and Adebisi 2012). Thus, in the already competitive market, OnePlus will face the threat of increase in competition. Change of the preference and requirement pattern of the customers changes rapidly. Thus, it will be a risk for OnePlus to rapidly update their product portfolio in order to cater to changing needs of the target customers. OnePlus is having no experience regarding the need of the Brazilian market. Thus, it may pose a challenge for them to effectively cater to the target customers in the host market. The organizational structure should be designed in such a way that, employees from Brazil can also be included. Recommendations One of the key challenges being identified is the political risk in Brazil. Thus, it is being recommended that, OnePlus should get in to joint partnership with another local organization. This will help them to reduce the risk in Brazil by reducing the amount of investment (Sun and Lee 2013). Moreover, having local partner will help to effectively determine the needs of the host market. Another identified challenge for them is the lack of brand value. Thus, it is important for OnePlus to initiate various promotional activities in Brazilian market in order to create brand identity among the target customers (Aekar and Biel 2013). It will help them to effectively compete with the established brands in the market. Apart from launching new products in the market, OnePlus should also initiates the process of effective service quality for their existing customers (Jahanshani et al. 2014). It will help them to enhance the brand loyalty among the existing customers and generation of positive word of mouth. Conclusion Thus, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that, OnePlus is having huge business opportunities in the Brazilian market considering their economy. External and internal analysis of OnePlus is also being discussed in this report. It helped to identify various challenges that may have to be faced by them in operating in the Brazilian market. Accordingly, various recommendations are also being discussed in this report, which will enhance the competitiveness and effectiveness of OnePlus in entering in the Brazilian market. References Aaker, D.A. and Biel, A., 2013. Brand equity advertising: advertising's role in building strong brands. Psychology Press. Babatunde, B.O. and Adebisi, A.O., 2012. Strategic Environmental Scanning and Organization Performance in a Competitive Business Environment. Economic Insights-Trends Challenges, 64(1). Bacon, J., Ritson, M., Hobbs, T., Roderick, L., Gloyne, R., and Woollen, P. 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