Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Communications - Essay Example All these elements are in constant interaction. The purposes of nonverbal communication: The necessary communication skill is listening. Listening is used with the purpose to set appropriate goals, to understand main ideas or thoughts, to retain information, to evaluate and to analyze someone's behavior, etc. Listening is important to let sender known that he is being listened to. It involves also asking questions about the topic being discussed, paraphrasing, repetition, visualization, etc. The main barriers affecting communication process are: desire to be always right; fear, not listening, running away, dreaming, etc3. Jennie was new employer of our management team and we were sent to a business trip. At the same time I was studying at the university and working. It was difficult for us to start communicating, because we were a little bit embarrassed and confused as we saw each other practically for the first time. Situation took place in train: March, 2005, 4:00 p.m. Me: Frankly speaking, I don't think that the course is too boring and bad, the first two weeks were really interesting and fascinating and the lectures were gripping maybe I'm the reason not the course Me: Oh, they wanted me to achieve something in life. ... Situation took place in train: March, 2005, 4:00 p.m. Jennie: I see you are not reading at all, are you Me: Sorry What Jennie: I mean the book I noticed you haven't read a line in the last half an hour. Me: (laughing and then smiling) Yes, you are completely right. You know I have to read it, but I'm not able to collect my thoughts. It is too stuffy in the carriage! Jennie: As far as I see you are not greatly interested in book. It doesn't hold your interest. Maybe the book is too abstruse and complicated for you Me: No, it is okay. But you are right, it is rather boring, but I need to read it for my classes. You see, I'm studying at the university. Jennie: (shrugging her shoulders) There is a cute phrase suitable for you: it is a labor of labor rather than that of love. Me: You know I'm fond of literature, but I don't like Joyce the author of the novel as the result I feel I'm getting bored with the whole course more and more. Jennie: (sarcastically) I see it is the course that irritates you, not the book. Me: Frankly speaking, I don't think that the course is too boring and bad, the first two weeks were really interesting and fascinating and the lectures were gripping maybe I'm the reason not the course Jennie: I'm sorry, but you look completely confused. I understand that the course is okay. I see that you would have chose art instead of literature. Am I right Me: Oh, they wanted me to achieve something in life. I know that but You know they thought it would be practically impossible to find perspective job with the degree in Arts. Therefore they sent me generous allowance for my tutorials. But now I realize that I'm just wasting my time. Literature is not mine I feel that I'm spending their money in vain. Jennie: They chose your course

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